Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Interesting observation

I got this from a friend's blogger site.
Honestly, this philosophy was outdated but no harm to share wat.. :)

1. The sport of choice for urban poor people is BASKETBALL 
2. The sport of choice for maintenance level employees is BOWLING
3. The sport of choice for front-line workers is FOOTBALL
4. The sport of choice for supervisors is BASEBALL
5. The sport of choice for middle management is TENNIS
6. The sport of choice for corporate executives and officers is GOLF

The higher you go in the corporate structure,
the smaller your balls become.. Hehe

BASTARD!!! (adultry joke)

GIRL: I have sinned. I called my boyfriend a BASTARD.
PSYCHIATRIST: Well now, that’s not a nice thing to call anyone, so what did he do to deserve that?
GIRL: Well, he kissed me.
PSYCHIATRIST : You mean like this?
(The psychiatrist kissed the girl)
GIRL: …… Yes!
PSYCHIATRIST: Well that’s no reason to call him a BASTARD.
GIRL: But, he put his hand in my top.
PSYCHIATRIST: You mean like this?
(The psychiatrist put his hand in the girl’s top)
GIRL: Yes!
PSYCHIATRIST: Well that’s no reason to call him a BASTARD.
GIRL: But, he took my clothes off.
PSYCHIATRIST: You mean like this?
(The psychiatrist took off the girl’s clothes)
GIRL: Yes!
PSYCHIATRIST: Well that’s no reason to call him a BASTARD.
GIRL: But, he had sex with me!
PSYCHIATRIST: You mean like this?
(The psychiatrist had sex with the girl )
GIRL: Yes!
PSYCHIATRIST: Well that’s no reason to call him a BASTARD either.
GIRL: But, then he told me he has AIDS.

Monday, November 8, 2010



請大家多吃含有這些有效成份的食物,讓身體內蠢蠢欲動的癌細胞多多睡覺。讓癌細胞睡著下午參加了一場小型國際研討會,其中有一位目前在美國癌症中心的戴博士以 "Is Cancer Curable?" (癌症是否能治癒?)為題,分享了他對癌細胞生長動力學的研究結果。癌症最令人害怕的就是 metastasis(轉移)。原生癌並不會讓病人死亡,然而一旦癌細胞轉移,它們在其它組織器官內的興風作浪就讓病人逐漸(或是很快速)的走向死亡。但是,為什麼有些癌細胞已轉移的病人卻未繼續惡化?日本曾解剖研究了幾十位無病痛往生的 90-103歲老人,發現他們每一位體內都有不少的癌細胞。但是,為什麼他們的癌細胞沒有造成身體的病痛? 戴博士和幾位癌 症研究學者發現,癌細胞在活躍一段時間後會進入「休眠期」,休眠一段時間後又再度活躍,興風作浪。「休眠期」越長,病人能存活的時間就越長,甚至不發生令人害怕的「轉移」。

現在醫學界積極的在研究拖延癌細胞「休眠期」的方法,包括利用藥物和飲食。「有效預防細胞癌化」那篇中提到的幾種天然物可藉由控制癌細胞內訊息傳 導(signaltransduction)的路徑來讓癌細胞進入「休眠期」,所以我把它們再次列,請大家多吃含有這些有效成份的食物,讓身體內蠢蠢欲動的癌細胞多多睡覺。

1. 咖哩的重要成份「薑黃」(抗癌成份是「薑黃素」)
2. 辣椒(抗癌成份是「辣椒素」)
3. 薑(抗癌成份是「薑油」)
4. 綠茶(抗癌成份是「兒茶素」)
5. 大豆(抗癌成份是「異黃酮」)
6. 蕃茄(抗癌成份是「茄紅素」)
7. 葡萄(抗癌成份是「白黎蘆醇」)
8. 大蒜(抗癌成份是「硫化物」)
9. 高麗菜(抗癌成份是「indole」)
10. 花椰菜(抗癌成份是「硫化物」)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

United's Rooney U-Turn: How's the deal was done

Wayne Rooney & Sir Alex Ferguson (Fergie)

1. On the 16th Oct 2010, the future of Wayne Rooney dominated media reports as speculation mounted that the Manchester United superstar was set to leave Old Trafford following a rift with Sir Alex Ferguson. Several newspapers reported that Rooney's previously close relationship with Fergie had deteriorated irrevocably following a bust-up over lurid tabloid revelations about the striker's private life which emerged few week before.

2. On the 19th Oct 2010, Fergie confirmed the statement by saying Rooney's agent has contacted CEO, David Gill and informed the team that his refusal to renew his contract. Fergie din't believe it, so as the fans worldwide. Some claimed that Rooney was looking for pay rise after seeing his former teammate, Ronaldo snatched by Real Madrid at a staggering world record of £80mil!

3. Wayne Rooney has revealed that the reasons behind his outburst was due to lack of confidence in the teams spirit to win trophies and there're no indications for the club to sign top players. However on the 22nd Oct 2010, Fergie has managed to keep Rooney after 4-eyes meeting (Fergie, Rooney, his agent - Paul & Gill) settled down with some filthy catches.

4. Despite United's debt which currently exceeds £720 million, the club has commited to a new £160,000-a-week for 5-year contract for Rooney. Is this the only particular issue that caused so much attentions in Rooney-United saga?

5. Wheather Rooney being dubbed as 'greedy articulator' with manipulative agent, his current form still highly doubtful. Fergie however believes that his star striker will come back a new man amid the pressure of contract talks are now over. "I think that this has been preying on his mind," Ferguson told Inside United. "I don't know the reason for his loss of form because it started in the World Cup. Whether some clubs have been filling his head in that period to affect him we don't know. The important thing is for us to put it behind us and move on. But certainly something has been troubling him".

6. As of today's news, Rooney has disclosed to the media saying another major reason for his 'u-turn' was due to the recent suicide threat posed by some fanatic United's fan outside his residence.

7. No matter what latter news to surface, Rooney must buck up and prove his worthiness to the club, the team as well as the FANS! With the current in-form strikers of Berbatov and Hernandez, Rooney must fight for his place soon after recovering from his ankle injury.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Indon, Bangla & Malaysian (Jokes)

An Indonesian, a Bangladeshi and a Malaysian are in a bar one night having a beer.

The Indonesian finishes his beer and suddenly throws his glass in the air, pulls out a gun and shoots the glass to pieces. He brags, "In Jakarta our glasses are so cheap that we don't need to drink from the same one twice."

The Bangladeshi obviously impressed by this, drinks his beer, throws his glass into the air, pulls out his gun and shoots the glass to pieces. He says, "In Dhaka we have so much sand to make the glasses that we don't need to drink out of the same glass twice either."

The Malaysian, cool as a cucumber, finishes his drink, throws his glass into the air, pulls out his gun and shoots the Indonesian & the Bangladeshi. He says "In KL we have so many Indons and Banglas that we don't need to drink with the same ones twice."
